Systems Plus is excited to announce that we have been selected to continue to provide fellowship management services to the AFOSR SFFP.

The SFFP Program has a special significance for Systems Plus as one of the company’s first OASIS SB Pool 1 Task Orders awarded back in 2015. It has been our extraordinary honor to support our Air Force SFFP customers in bolstering science and engineering research efforts and building critical links between Air Force scientists and their counterparts in the academic community nationwide. Melissa Barnes, Service Delivery Vice President, stated “Our achievements on this program have been substantial and measurable and we will continue provide a high-level of service and support to the Air Force…” she goes on to state “We are dedicated and determined to ensure AFOSR SFFP efforts achieve program objectives and increased diversity and participation each year in partnership with the Air Force and Universities nationwide.”

Visit our website at to learn more about the AFOSR SFFP Program. We welcome applications from the month of September through November each year from high-quality academic faculty specializing in science, technology, mathematics, and Air Force-relevant engineering disciplines.

About Systems Plus, Inc.

Systems Plus is headquartered in Rockville, MD with over two (2) decades of experience providing Enterprise-Level Management, Technology, Engineering, Professional and Training services and solutions throughout the Defense and Federal Civilian government sectors. To learn more about our company, please visit us at